Program Description

1. To ensure a thorough knowledge and understanding of Custome Broking Services
2. To make students qualified and trained professionals in Custome Broking
3. To make the student understand and handle critical situation scientifically.

Learning Format



70 Hours of Theory and 7 hours of Case Study

Certified by

IITM Pravartak Technologies Foundation
Technology Innovation Hub (TIH) of IIT Madras and

Program Fee

₹23600 (inclusive of tax)


Program Description

Program Brochure

Education Qualification

  • A candidate who has completed HSc or its equivalent

  • An employee with minimum one year experience in Shipping & Logistics

  • Suggested Prerequisites

  • Basic Knowledge about import & Export Process

  • Lead Faculty

    Prof. Bobin jos, Prof. Unnikrishnan, Prof Irudayaraj and Prof. Rajendran

    Learning Schedule

    Module 1 -Introduction

    Module 2- Logistics Services

    Module 3- Customs and their Roles

    Module 4-Custom Broking Licensing

    Module 5 - Custom Broking

    Module 6 - Import & Export Clearance Procedures

    Module 7- Duty & Conveyance

    Module 8 - Transshipment

    Module 9- Essentials of Logistics

    Module 10-Case Studies

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    60000+ Self Assessment Tests and Quiz Bank
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