FISST- Forensic Intelligence Surveillance & Security Technologies

FISST is the new class of solution providers known as “Mission Integrators”, as the name implies, has developed a set of intelligence, surveillance &security; solutions as well as systems that will help Govt, PSUs, Companies/Enterprises, Individual business houses, and shops as well as independent houses/flats to set-up and beef-up their security and surveillance systems.

Faculty Members

  • MOHAN RAM C Adjunct faculty
    M.Tech. (IIT Roorkee)
Mohan holds a M.Tech degree from IIT-Roorkee with nearly 31 years of experience in the IT industry. A visionary with a knack of finding innovative and cutting-edge solutions to complex problems. Mohan is an IT leader specializing in Cyber Security and related physical surveillance for critical infrastructure including refinery, nuclear power plants and mission critical IT infrastructure etc.
  • HARISH RAMANI Visiting faculty
    Ph.D. (Queensland University of Technology)
Harish hold an M.Sc Computer Science and Technology from India and a Ph.D degree from Australia. He is and expert in security, networking, data communication and data centre. Harish has solved many corporate, financial and cybercrime cases in the industry with his rich experience in the intercontinental field of computer science. He is also the CEO and CTO of Global Cyber Corps (formerly Internettechies) in Chennai. His vision is to make India the base for Cyber Security experts and to export and support the rest of the world.

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